Trying to find out the similarities between aerial skills and pole dancing? If so, this article has got you covered. You’ve heard rumors that both silks and pole fitness are rewarding physically and emotionally. It’s true. It doesn’t matter which exercise you choose, both pole dancing, and silks are great full-body exercises. 

Training for each will help you become stronger and more robust. You’ll build muscles in your upper body and core. Plus, you’ll become more flexible and improve your balance.

It is possible to transfer some pole dancing moves to aerial silks or hoop, for example. Some tricks, such as Allegra, share the same name and are performed essentially the same way. But what other similarities exist? Read on to find out.

Similarities Between Aerial Silks And Pole Dancing

Key Similarities Between Aerial Silks And Pole Dancing

A Brief Overview Of Aerial Silks

Pole dancing and aerial silks are both physically demanding. The aerial silks and the pole are both great for strengthening the upper body, which is lacking in most women. Both will also increase your endurance.

A Brief Overview Of Aerial Silks

Similarities Between Aerial Silks And Pole Dancing

There are a few good reasons why aerial silks and hammocks are trending in fitness right now. One is that it is a low-impact exercise that anyone can do.

It is also a great exercise for anyone who wants a challenge. Three, it strengthens your core, your stability, and your upper body.

What Are The Benefits of Doing Aerial Silks:

  • Relieves stress
  • Increases flexibility
  • Improves focus
  • Strengthens muscles

A Brief Overview Of Pole Dancing

A Brief Overview Of Pole Dancing

Pole dancing is a great workout for the entire body. The workout combines resistance training and cardio, as well as improving flexibility. Pole dancers either suspend their weight or propel it around a pole while performing acrobatic tricks.

An incredible display of strength can be seen simply by climbing a pole. Therefore, it’s not surprising that most pole dancers claim they have never felt or looked better.

What Are The Benefits of Doing Pole Fitness:

  • Builds and tones muscles 
  • Promotes weight loss 
  • Boosts confidence
  • Increases flexibility

Are There Any Similarities Between The Benefits of Silk And Pole?

Similarities Between Aerial Silks And Pole Dancing

Despite the fact that these aerial activities look effortless and graceful, anyone who has ever tried them will attest to the physical work that goes into them. Aerial arts not only tone muscles, but they also burn a lot of energy. 

If you participate in these activities, you can expect to burn between 300 and 400 calories per hour. With experience and increased intensity of exercise you can achieve even greater energy expenditures.

Aerial silks and pole dancing burn more calories even at rest due to increased muscle mass gained during participation. 

Exercises like aerial silks, aerial hoop, pole dancing, and aerial yoga help you lose weight or avoid gaining extra pounds.

Can Both Sports Build Muscles?

Can Both Sports Build Muscles?

Both pole dancing and aerial silks can improve physical fitness. They increase core strength in particular. Aerial silks and pole dancing are both excellent ways to build upper body strength, which most women lack. 

When you increase your upper body strength with body weight training, you’ll also work your smaller stabilizing muscles, which you don’t get from a gym workout. By lifting yourself up and keeping your core tight, aerial silks and pole dancing allow you to remain strong as well as toned and defined.

As these activities take your body weight off the ground, they are low impact, making injuries to the joints less likely than weight-bearing exercises like running.

In aerials silks, and pole dancing you will increase your stamina as you increase lung capacity through the breathing techniques used. Your heart rate and blood pressure will also drop, indicating an increase in your overall fitness level.

What Does Each Hobby Cost? Price Differences Between Aerial Silks And Pole

Similarities Between Aerial Silks And Pole Dancing

With pole, you are either going to be purchasing your own dance pole for home use, taking classes at a pole dance studio or doing an online pole course.

With aerial silks, similarly, you will be taking aerial silks classes, or buying an aerial silks kit like this Deluxe Aerial Silks Kit.

If you are buying your own kit for either pole or aerial silks, the cost difference is clear – pole costs more! But you also get a lot more for your money, with a sturdy, long-lasting pole (see our recommendations in our dance pole buyer’s guide here)


Pole dancing and aerial silks are both physically demanding. The aerial silks and the pole are both great for strengthening the upper body, which is lacking in most women. Both will increase your endurance.

For more quality content like this, be sure to check out the Pole Model Youtube Channel!
See you there 🙂