Pole dancing is an effective way to exercise because it combines the benefits of strength, cardio, as well as balance, and agility training. Studies have found that pole dance raises a person’s heart rate to at least 130 beats per minute for up to 10 minutes.

Imagine how many calories you could burn in a fun hour-long pole fitness class!

Is Pole Dancing Good for Weight Loss? 7 Amazing Health Benefits Of Pole Dancing

Is pole dancing good for weight loss?

Is Pole Dancing Good for Weight Loss

Yes. Pole dancing is good for weight loss; in fact, it is a great exercise for losing weight without even realizing you are losing weight.

Losing weight in a pole fitness class is a true possibility because it’s a whole-body workout. The effort that goes into pole dancing raises your heart rate and allows your body to burn calories.

Dancers have been known to burn up to 1000-1500 calories per hour, depending on their body weight and the intensity of the routine.

But, it’s not just about burning fat and calories alone – pole fitness exercise can also help you tone your arms while slimming your thighs and your waist. This is possible because pole dancing includes so many motions like dips, crunches, and climbs which work through the abs and obliques.

What Are Some Health Benefits Of Pole Dancing?

7 Amazing Health Benefits Of Pole Dancing:

  1. It helps you burn calories quickly
  2. It builds your self-confidence
  3. It will motivate you to work out more
  4. Tones Muscles
  5. Improves Balance
  6. Increases Your Flexibility
  7. Improves Posture

Let’s break these down a bit further to understand why not only is pole dancing good for weight loss, but it is good for a host of other health-related aspects, too.

1. It helps you burn calories quickly

1. It helps you burn calories quickly

You can rack up the calories pretty quickly during a pole fitness class or on your pole at home practicing your own moves.

This is what dancers report is one of the best benefits as it doesn’t feel like traditional cardio such as biking or running.

Once you get your music playlist going, time flies, and you have worked up a sweat!

2. It builds your self-confidence

2. It builds your self-confidence

Dancing is a great way to feel confident and in control, especially when you are taking on something new. When you have the pole in your hand and know what you are doing, it boosts that confidence even more and will help with other things in life as well.

Likewise, if you get dressed up, get into character, AND throw on some heels – coupled with your new moves, you are gonna feel bomb!

There is a certain pride and boldness that comes along with pole dancing, and that is a huge benefit for the mind.

3. It will motivate you to work out more

As I have already mentioned, pole dancing is a fun activity – so you do not even notice that you are doing a cardio exercise. This is why as the fat melts off and you start to feel better about your body, you want to do it more and more.

Some people have said they have struggled with joining and going to the gym consistently for years and that they had not been able to kick the weight until they started pole fitness.

4. Tones Muscles

4. Tones Muscles

The reason pole fitness helps to tone your body is that it is a calisthenic total body workout. You use your own body and move your own body weight. Calisthenics has been used as a method of muscle toning for years, so this is not a new concept.

You may have seen men doing pull-ups, muscle-ups, and even flags on poles all over social media, those are another form of calisthenics (and I know you have seen how ripped they are)

Some people only train this way, using the body they have to get the body they want. And plus, once you have such a skill, why bother with a gym membership?

Exercises performed on the poles target major muscle groups, burn fat, sculpt lean muscles but leave the joints feeling refreshed.

Every aspect of pole fitness provides an opportunity to tone muscles from your abdominals, thighs, arms, and back. Heels lifted in preparation to jump or climb can also help tone your calves while doing intense work on one-leg splits against gravity will get your glutes looking sinfully delicious! The core work that’s required during twists helps clear out any excess fat around those pesky love handles while also helping to shape our waistline by engaging our obliques! Awesomeness!

5. Improves Balance

5. Improves Balance

Pole fitness strengthens muscles through a more complete range of motion than conventional exercises, which means that not only are your core tissues strengthened, but everything is getting an equal workout. This is how it improves balance – it facilitates improved coordination with less chance of injury. 

What’s more, two primary things happen when you pole fitness.

First, is that just the act of being upside down can improve balance as it forces your brain to work harder because it’s constantly compensating for this position in which you’re suspended.

Second, is that during a workout on a pole such as with routines like “cakewalk” or “crab walk”, we’re always shifting up and down to keep our hands and feet on solid ground- meaning we have to keep adjusting how much effort we put into our muscles depending on what position they’re in at the moment.

This awareness of what muscle groups are needed and not needed when we do specific movements helps relearn habitual movement patterns while strengthening those seldom-used muscles. Hence making balance better!

Having good balance can help protect against injury, especially if you’re doing spins at such a high speed on a pole. 

6. Increases Your Flexibility

6. Increases Your Flexibility

Pole fitness incorporates the exercises a dancer uses to build muscular strength and proper form, usually grounded in a ballet foundation. It also requires a combination of strength and flexibility to carry out these moves. Keeping muscles limber improves the range of motion. 

Pole fitness has many benefits for individuals interested in increasing flexibility but also looking to rehabilitate from injuries such as back problems or meniscus tears due to the increased use of core muscles involved with gaining more control around the spine.

7. Improves Posture

Pole fitness should be done in conjunction with right posture training, and pole dancers are recommended to invest in a good sports bra.

Pole fitness classes utilize a range of methods to improve your posture, such as stretches that work on the PC (pubococcygeus) muscle. They also teach strengthening procedures targeting all of the stabilizing muscles around your pelvis, hips, and spine. The result is an increase in flexibility and spinal strength that will have you looking fabulous at any event!


Which Muscles Are Targeted During Pole Dancing?

All of the muscles in the body are targeted during pole dancing.

It’s an aerobic and cardiovascular workout that strengthens your core and builds strength in your shoulders, arms, back, and other areas People can also use it to rehabilitate injuries or maintain general fitness.

The best part is that it’s a full-body workout AND you get beautiful sculpted sexy muscle lines! 

How many calories does pole dance fitness burn?

In an hour of pole dance fitness, depending on your weight, heart rate, and movement level, you could burn anything from a few hundred calories to a thousand or more.

This will vary wildly but using a fitness tracker to monitor your energy expenditure is the best way to know for sure.

Is 30 minutes of dancing good cardio?

Yes, 30 minutes of dancing is generally good cardio. However, the most important thing is the intensity of the workout and the duration – aim for 30 minutes and aim for your heart rate (in beats per minute) to reach 70% max capacity periodically during those 30 minutes.

In other words, if your max heart rate is 180 bpm (which would include many Olympic athletes), then you want to hit at least 126 bpm to be in a good zone.

Is 30 minutes of dancing good cardio?

What’s In Your Pole Class Bag? Check Out Some Of My Recommended Essentials:

Is Pole Dancing Good for Weight Loss

These are my must-haves!

Do you have any pole gear you cannot dance without? Let me know in the comments! And be sure to follow us on Pinterest & Instagram!

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